Nobody can break me, because I know who stands beside me, and that is God.
Take the Time
Be Single with High Standards
The Person You Took For Granted
Relationships Aren’t Always
There Is No Need to Change Others
There is no need to change other people if we can simply accept ourselves the way we are. When we judge another person, it is not because we dislike or disprove of them, but because their behavior, opinions, or actions reflect our own feeling of not being ‘good’ enough. Likewise, when our perceived or expressed expectations of others do not meet, we criticize them in order to make the reflection of our own pain more acceptable and bearable. In truth, judgment is not real. It is never directed against anyone or anything but our own feelings of guilt and inadequacy. And that is an illusion, too.
The challenge at this time is to claim your power and hold it dear, for you are the only one who can determine your reality, now that the new energy is permeating life on Earth. It is no longer helpful to look for others to make a difference in your life. Changing yourself to please someone else is only dispersing your power for no gain. The days of spiritual and political leaders who will tell you which way to turn are gone. Unless you choose to become a spiritual slave who believes there are others greater or more spiritually advanced than you, there are simply no more Gurus or leaders to follow. – Andreas Moritz