There comes a time in your life when you must decide between what you feel and what you know. You must choose between your mind and your heart, between love and the truth. Sometimes, the love you feel will hide the truth from your mind; but seldom from your soul. The bond between your heart and your mind is the strongest and one will try and overpower the other at all times. But neither one, alone, or together, can overpower your soul, for they do not possess the ability, nor the strength. Only your soul can guide you, and when the time does come for you to make a decision, you must be prepared for an inner conflict between your heart and your mind, so painful it can only be overcome by the strength your soul can provide. This is when you must force yourself to realize that your heart and your mind are the only links to your soul; they are controlled by your soul, and can act as one when you allow your soul to guide you. – Unknown
I just want something to bring me a smile every morning
I met a beautiful lady December 28, 2021.
She quickly became infatuation. Which quickly became an overwhelming feeling I had never experienced.
I couldn’t be away from her at anytime without constantly worrying about her well-being.
Fast forward.
The struggle between one’s heart and mind is real. When I am away from her now, , I want to be with her. But when I am with her, because I have taken her back so many times, after she would meet a complete stranger and leave me for a short time, I was always all too eager to get her back. And she knew it.
The struggle between one’s heart and mind is real.
I am at a crossroad.
I only want here to live a normal life. But every time we get back together, she does what she wants, with no regard or care for how I feel. Only what makes her happy and if I am not, she does not care.
I have made a decision based on the facts.
The struggle between one’s heart and mind is real