This long list of Deep Quotes and Sayings about Life (400 total quotes) took us years to compile. We’re sharing them today in hopes that these powerful words and nuggets of wisdom will inspire you on your journey in life. Enjoy!
400 Deep Life Quotes to Inspire Positive Change
1. “Life is a long lesson in humility.”
2. ”What’s really amazing is when you can actually feel your life going somewhere… like it finally figured out how to get good.”
3. ”A person doesn’t have to be perfect to be exactly what you need.” – Dr. Elliot Reid
4. ”Just move on, you’ll be better off in the long run.”
5. ”You cannot evolve unless you are willing to change. You will never better yourself, if you always cling to what was.” – Leon Brown
6. ”Always keep your head up, because if it’s down you won’t be able to see the blessings that have been placed in your life.”
7. ”Never be ashamed of what you feel. You have the right to feel any emotion that you want, and to do what makes you happy.” – Demi Lovato
8. “Sometimes what you’re looking for comes when you’re not looking at all.”
9. “No matter how long it takes, it will get better.”
10. “Some people will better your life by being in it, while others will better it by staying out.”
11. “Never let a bad situation bring out the worst in you. Choose to stay positive and be strong.”
12. “Sometimes the words we leave unspoken are the most important ones that should have been said.”
13. “Remember how blessed you are to see another day.”
14. “God has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and it takes a lot of faith but it’s worth the wait.”
15. “A real relationship will make it through anything.”
16. “Don’t rush and never settle. If it’s meant to be, it will be.”
17. “How you make others feel about themselves, says a lot about you.”
18. ”The rain WILL stop, the night WILL end, the hurt WILL fade. Hope is never so lost that it can’t be found.” – Mandy Hale
19. ”Sometimes God has to break us to make us. It’s just a bend, it’s not the end. We’re all like glow sticks, no matter how much we’re bent and broken our light still shines.” – DeAndre Carswell
20. ”One day you will realize that material things mean nothing. All that matters is the well-being of the people in your life.” – Leon Brown
21. ”It’s sad how quickly people can forget about you, until they want something from you.”
22. ”Hard times may have held you down, but they will not last forever. When all is said and done, you will be increased.” – Joel Osteen
23. ”Sometimes you have to experience the bad, so that you can learn to appreciate the good things that enter your life.” – Leon Brown
24. ”I may not be where I need to be but I thank God I am not where I used to be!” – Joyce Meyers
25. “Sometimes you have to LOVE people from a DISTANCE and give them the SPACE and TIME to get their MINDS right before you let them back into your LIFE.”
26. “Your life will get better when you spend more time building your real life and less time watching reality tv.” – Thema Davis
27. ”Do what your heart desires, never hold back a thing, and don’t worry so much about what the others think, because at the end of the day, what makes you happy is what really matters the most.” – Unknown
28. ”Do not chase people. Be you and do your own thing and work hard. The right people who belong in your life will come to you and stay.” – Wu Tang
29. ”Do not wonder why things are “taking so long.” In fact, everything is rolling out exactly as it needs to, using not a minute more than Perfection requires. Rest easy and be at peace. Life is working its magic even as you take your very next breath.” – Neale Donald Walsch
30. ”Your choices, your actions, and your life. Live it the way you want, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
31. ”Stop and make sure that everything you are doing right now is really what makes you happy. You can’t just live for some goal in the future and have that be everything . . . have that be it. Because that is what some people do. They get on this road and there are all these signs saying, ‘This way. That way.’ But what if you get there, you get exactly what you wanted, like some people do, except all the things that were wrong, are still wrong. Then what?” -Party of Five
32. ”If you still talk about it, you still care about it.”
33. ”The only person I can try to be better than, is the person I was yesterday.”
34. ”Today is a brand new day. A fresh start. Replace any negativity with positivity. Think happy thoughts. Exercise. Drink lots of water. Fill your body with fuel. Healthy is happy. Inspire yourself. Create. Laugh. Play. Love. Learn. Give someone a compliment. Make a new friend. Do a random act of kindness. It creates good karma. Take chances and finally start living life to its fullest. But no matter what’s thrown at you today, smile and remember, tomorrow’s always a fresh new start.” – Unknown
35. ”There are certain things in life where you know it’s a mistake but you don’t really know it’s a mistake because the only way to really know it is a mistake is to make that mistake and look back and say, “Yup, that was a mistake”. So really, the bigger mistake would be to not make the mistake because then you’ll go your whole life not really knowing if something is a mistake or not. And damn it, I made no mistakes. I’ve done all of this: my life, my relationship, my career mistakes-free.” – How I Met Your Mother (Episode 21)
36. ”Don’t judge someone’s choices without first knowing their reason.”
37. ”The true story is the realization that no time in your life is ever perfect, that even the best memories have cracks you might not see.”
38. ”No other animal knows the difference between Friday and Monday.”
39. ”Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome.”
40. ”Take a chance and never let go. Risk everything, lose nothing. Don’t worry about anything anymore. Cry in the rain and speak out loud. Say what you want and love who you desire. Be yourself and not what others want to see. Never blame anyone else if you get hurt because you took the risk and decided who was worth the while.”
41. ”To be successful in life requires enormous sacrifice and determination. Do not follow others, for they have their own destiny. Only you alone can determine your destination. If you fail that journey, there is a path to recovery, many of us have been there. Be satisfied with what you have and your dreams will become a reality.”
42. ”In the very moment you want to give up, give it all you got! You’re on the brink of your breakthrough.” – Aisha Martin
43. ”Look forward with hope, not backwards with regret.”
44. “Sometimes we fall down because there is something down there we’re supposed to find.”
45. ”If you’re struggling, that means you’re progressing.”
46. ”You can’t go through life protecting yourself from everything; you have to take chances, because if you don’t then you might as well not be living.”
47. “Life is like a camera. Just focus on what’s important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don’t work out, just take another shot.”
48. ”Aspire to inspire before you expire.” – Unknown
49. ”Protect your spirit from contamination. Limit your time with negative people.” – Thema Davis
50. ”A girl should be like a butterfly, pretty to see and hard to catch.”
51. ”Don’t create conversations in your head, because they don’t usually go as planned and you’re left with disappointment.”
52. ”To make a woman happy, give her these three things: attention, affection and appreciation.”
53. ”When you release expectations, you are free to enjoy things for what they are instead of what you think they should be.” – Mandy Hale
54. ”We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.” – Chuck Palahniuk
55. ”Men with good intentions make promises. Men with good character keep them.” – Unknown
56. “If you keep running back to the person that you need to walk away from… you’ll never create space for better things to arrive.”
57. ”We’re stronger in the places that we’ve been broken.” – Ernest Hemingway
58. ”You should never have to think twice about who your real friends are.”
59. ”Let’s turn our mistakes into lessons and our fears into hopes. We should have faith in ourselves and be strong.”
60. “Sometimes you have to move on, no matter how hard it is.”
70. “Don’t wait too long, you might miss your chance.”
71. “Learn to let go. That is the key to happiness.”
72. ”The most memorable moments in life are the ones you never planned.”
73. ”You should never have to think twice about who your real friends are.”
74. ”People build too many walls and not enough bridges.” – Isaac Newton
75. ”Be yourself. Who else is better qualified.”
76. ”The unhappiest people in this world, are those who care the most about what other people think.” – C. JoyBell C.
77. ”Before you quit, try. Before you talk, listen. Before you react, think. Before you criticize, wait. Before you move-on, forgive.”
78. ”As I’ve grown up, I’ve learned several things. Life is full of disappointments and people you trusted will sooner or later let you down. I’ve learned that often those you love will love someone else and there’s only one way to fall – fast and hard. I’ve learned that out of thousands of smiles, it takes one to touch your heart. I’ve found that words can be deceiving but the truth always lies in a person’s eyes. I’ve learned that everything can change in the blink of an eye and tears often come without invitation. I’ve learned crying can make us stronger and there’s never too much love to go around. I’ve learned that prejudice helps no one and that weapons don’t hurt people, people hurt people.”
79. ”Don’t hurt others just because you’re hurt.”
80. ”Ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.”
81. ”Sometimes what we learn & who we become in the process of waiting is even more important than what we’re waiting for.” – Mandy Hale
82. ”If you can imagine it, you can create it. That beautiful world you dream about, needs positive action to come true.” – Leon Brown
83. ”The moment you’re ready to quit is usually the moment right before the miracle happens. Don’t give up!”
84. ”Detox your life by clearing out fake friends, dead-end jobs, and players posing as life partners.” – Thema Davis
85. ”When you are getting ready to advance to a new season, some people will be removed from your life without warning.” – Mandy Hale
86. ”Some of the best days of your life haven’t happened yet.”
87. ”You may have failed, but you are not a failure. That’s what you did. That’s not who you are.” – Joel Osteen
88. ”People may not realize this, but it’s sadness and despair that sometimes allow a person to grow. Being comfortable with where you’re at often doesn’t motivate you to change or improve your situation. However, being in despair forces you to try to get out of it. That’s why despair is a good thing.”
89. ”When you delete the unnecessary people from your life, good things will start happening for you and it won’t be a coincidence.”
90. ”For every set back, God has a major come back.”
91. ”Stop waiting for approval. Do what you want and live your life.”
92. ”Stop looking for reasons to be unhappy. Focus on the things you do have, and the reasons you should be happy.”
93. ”Sometimes you just have to deal with the fact that life doesn’t always go your way.”
94. ”The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die.” – Juliette Lewis
95. ”The people who are still with you at the end of the day are the ones worth keeping.”
96. ”Every end is a new beginning.”
97. ”If you really want something, make an effort. Everything isn’t just going to come to you.”
98. ”All we can do is learn from the past and make peace with it.” – Ada Monroe
99. If you can’t do anything about it then let it go. Don’t be a prisoner to things you can’t change. – Tony Gaskins
100. ”Don’t be sorry the moment ended. Be grateful it happened. Even the shortest chapters have valuable lessons.” – Mandy Hale
***This list is split into multiple pages. Please click the page number below to read the rest of the quotes.
hello my dear we are like that love is d only way to do!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes you have to let some people go of from your life, who doesn’t really deserves to be in your life..
”Never reglet of not to have eaten fruits from an already driedup tree as there are more to come from its remnants which will b more switter n better” -Zeyley
Thank you. Long, but worth to read.
I read all , long but worth to be read.. Beautiful ! Very inspiring.. I like your effort for compiling this. I enjoy viewing., thank you fr sharing this 🙂
I read them all and they all really inspiring, thank you so much 🙂 feel free to visit my page 🙂
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Dont let ur past dictate who u are, but let it be part of who u become!
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Wow,I realli did appreciate every words.thanks for a nice job because the words have made me a stronger person.thanks alot
i would like to say thank u so much for all amazing life quotes. i can assure u that i have been getting so many lessons from this quotes and i will b ur loyal reader and friend forever.
These quotes are an eye opener for those who sleeps in insecurities and depression. Thank you….
Thank you, this is helping me through some difficult times with heart ache with a girl I feel in love with.
All the quotes just shows me that my learning process got no end. Thanks
why do SOME PEOPLE write in all CAPS……either they dont know what it means or they rae sure that nobody will read their post, so do it…any ways the quotes are real good…thanks for a nice read and inspiring words….
I really like it because their a lot think a lk about tht they say …
I will forever talk good about Priest of Pyramid because i was childless for 7 years and my husband was no longer coming home for dinner. He normally comes home late on week days and does not even come home during weekends. I met with Priest of Pyramid when i visited Egypt during the death of Muammar Gaddafi because we where amongst the UN agent. He saw me and told me all that i am passing through and i was very surprise because that was our first day of meeting. I visited his temple the next day and he did a bless my womb spell and bring my husband back spell for me. When i return to Hungary the next week, my husband warmly welcome me back home and we where united for good. I became pregnant during December and i am happy to inform the general public that i am now a mother to a baby boy. This is the most happy period of my life and i promise to forever tell everyone about Priest of Pyramid because he is a truthful and honest priest. If anyone need his help, you can contact him through and he is going to help you. Erzsébet
Love the Quotes, any of it!!
very impressive, great words of wonderful spirits do heal us . Thank u
In life Everything is a Go!
I really like this website.what ever advice we need in our life we can get it from here.I love to read all this quotes.
I really like the page! You, whoever create it, did a good job!
These quotes are beautiful, inspiring, and life-changing. Thank you!
waw!!! i would like to say thank u so much for all amazing life quotes. i can assure u that i have been getting so many lessons from this quotes and i will be ur loyal reader and friend forever…
I realy enjoy it ooh thanks you very much”
Even more Nice quotes. You have a lot of life quotes on your website. Keep up the great work.
I love this, it touches my mind and even not to go asstry.
That is some sublime material. Ne’er new that opinions could be this diversified. thank you for all the ebullience to offer such accommodating info here.
I love all of them.Vey inspiring ….
mercyful heaven rewards good intention
“Cherish the things you cannot estimate a value to,as trust,love ,friendship,humility… etc. because once lost you can never recover them.
The rest money can buy back. “
great!!!!! motivating and helpful quotes….keep going guys and heal the world…
I m read just like but i feel i got somting from u’r end
We forgive everything but forget nothing and we bear in mind that to forgive in it’s simplest terms means simply not to be angry at anyone
Yes friend you are right.
If someone makes you miserable more than they make you happy, it doesn’t matter how much you love them, you need to let them go.
Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It’s the courage to continue
that counts.
i had bookmarked this page for my heart relaxment.
Verily, God does not change man’s condition, unless they change that which is in themselves.
I love this!
I’ve learned… Thank you so much
This speaks directly to me in so many ways I love it. You have chosen to get inside my brain!!!! LOL
They say……….
“Logic and Reason, go out the window when love gets involved.”
“Sometimes, you have to give up something, just to gain something.”
Inspiring thoughts……… it made my lost mood
Nice thoughts and inspires…..:)
It’s very good advice about love and life.
love these quotes, & like this web site…thanks…
”… your memories and choices are all you’ll have left. At the end of the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box. You have to decide what you’re willing to sacrifice.” -Col. Mehaffey; Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn
Very helpful for my journey to become a better person, a mission to improve myself and to enjoy every second of life while I can =) thank you.. Please post more!
Wow,I dnt kwn what to say.This page is so powerful thank u Lord.
I am so much happy to I find this things of information its very useful for every person.
To know How can we going life happy.
Change will take place when we start changing the way we think
Marialuz Mbegabolawe
i really enjoyed reading those quotes about the life….it very true. it is…. interesting quotes